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Why Do I Love Being Upside Down?

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A woman doing a handstand at a park.

I know it might sound a little strange, but I absolutely love being upside down. And it’s not something new—I loved it as a kid, I loved it when I was a beginner in yoga, and after almost 10 years of practice, I still can’t get enough of it. There’s just something about inversions that keeps me coming back for more. So, why do they seem to have a special kind of magic? After reflecting on this, I’ve realized there are four key reasons why inversions bring me such joy. These are my personal reflections, and perhaps you'll find some resonance with them, too.

1. I feel more connected to my breath and my body.

Whenever I’m upside down, my awareness shifts completely. Whether it’s a headstand, handstand, or any other inversion, I have to slow down and really pay attention to my breath. The moment my feet leave the ground, my breath becomes my guide. I’m more in tune with my body than ever before, listening to every little signal it gives me. It’s like inversions amplify the connection between my breath and my body, and I feel more aligned with myself.

2. I’m fully in the present moment.

Inversions have this magical way of pulling me into the “now.” When I’m upside down, there’s no room for distractions—my focus has to be all in, and because of that, my mind goes quiet. It’s just me, my body, and the balance I’m trying to find. In those moments, I’m completely present, and that mindfulness brings a sense of peace. Inversions are a constant reminder of the importance of being here in the moment—not just in yoga but in everyday life too.

A woman in a headstand position at a park.

3. They show me the limits my mind sets.

There’s something transformative about being in an inverted pose. Every time I practice, I’m faced with the mental barriers I’ve unknowingly set. Inversions challenge me to confront my fears—fear of falling, fear of failing, fear of not being enough. But with each practice, I realize these limits exist mostly in my mind. Inversions teach me resilience. They show me that what seems impossible can become possible with patience and dedication. The moment I find my balance, I’m reminded of the strength I have within, and I walk away not just feeling accomplished, but empowered to challenge other limits in my life.

4. They’re fun, and they make me grateful for movement!

Let’s be real—being upside down is fun! There’s a playful side to inversions that reminds me of being a kid, when going upside down was something I did just for the joy of it. Inversions bring back that sense of fun, but they also fill me with gratitude. I’m so thankful for what my body can do, for the strength it’s built, and for the freedom of movement. Every time I go upside down, I’m reminded of how amazing it is to have a body that can move and explore in so many ways.

These are my personal reasons for loving inversions, and I know everyone’s experience is different. If you’ve ever been curious about trying them or want to learn how to get upside down on your mat, reach out! I’d love to help guide you through it.